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A Video Tutorial on Programming Molecular Modeling Software

(a.k.a.  Why you studies all that math! or You too can make your own 3D video games!)

dedicated to my children

  1. Downloading and installing the required software. (4:48)
  2. Introduction to Linear Programming. (12:07)
  3. Introduction to Visual Programming. (16:17)
  4. Introduction to Event Programming. (10:38)
  5. First Challenge Exercise:  A simple calculator. (8:08)
  6. Introduction to Java Bean Components. (6:16)
  7. Introduction to Drawing. (10:18)
  8. Introduction to Event Driven Drawing. (10:04)
  9. Introduction to Lists. (12:22)
  10. Second Challenge Exercise (8:19)
  11. Introduction to Datatypes. (16:43)
  12. Introduction to Translation or Move. (11:36)
  13. Preparing for Rotation. (13:42)
  14. Introduction to Rotation. (8:34)
  15. Third Challenge Exercise: Changing Modes. (5:48)
  16. Introduction to Rolling. (10:42)
  17. Introduction to Scaling. (5:50)
  18. Introduction to Centering. (8:31)
  19. Introduction to Fit. (7:50)
  20. Fourth Challenge Exercise: New... (3:47)
  21. Introduction to removing event methods. (5:08)
  22. Introduction to the electron and extensions. (6:20)
  23. Introduction to properties and methods of atoms and electrons. (4:41)
  24. Introduction to stitching the atoms and electrons. (11:28)
  25. Introduction to drawing the bonds. (7:17)
  26. Fifth Challenge Exercise: Generalizing methods. (3:47)
  27. Introduction to Libraries. (18:05)
  28. Introduction to Displaying Information (7:44)
  29. Introduction to whichAtom (17:49)
  30. Implementing whichAtom (11:27)
  31. Sixth Challenge Exercise: Fixing Problems with if (2:19)
  32. Introduction to Re-Centering (2:44)
  33. Introduction to Z Sorting (14:56)
  34. Preparing the Periodic Table (7:33)
  35. Seventh Challenge Exercise: Periodic Table (14:27)
  36. Introduction to the Optimization Problem (10:25)
  37. Introduction to Numerical Analysis: Newton Raphson (13:25)
  38. Application of Newton-Raphson to Optimization (9:29)
  39. Implementing Optimization (19:30)
  40. Eighth Challenge Exercise: New Againth Challenge Exercise: New Again (4:02)
  41. Introduction to Thread Programming (9:56)
  42. Introduction to Auto Stop (8:06)
  43. Introduction to Writing Files (17:16)
  44. Introduction to Reading Files (13:39)
  45. Ninth Challenge Exercise: Random (2:23)
  46. Introduction to drawing polygons. (11:42)
  47. Introduction to lighting. (17:39)
  48. Introduction to a parametric plotter. (13:13)
  49. Implementing arch bonds. (20:48)
  50. Tenth Challenge Exercise: Light (1:10)
  51. Introduction to hemispheres. (12:52)
  52. Fixing the arches. (5:17)
  53. Introduction to perspective. (9:37)
  54. Fixing perspective input. (9:10)
  55. Eleventh Challenge Exercise: Parallax (5:32)
  56. Moving One Atom (9:46)
  57. Rotate and Roll Around an Atom (10:07)
  58. Manipulation of one molecule (21.57)
  59. Twist (16:42)
  60. Twelfth Challenge Exercise: Templates (10:10)
  61. Introduction to Stereoscopic Views (12:08)
  62. Hexadecimal and Color Filters (10:48)
  63. Thirteens Challenge Exercise: Implementing Stereoscopic Views (16:05)
  64. Replace Element (4:49)
  65. Delete Atoms and Bonds (10:52)
  66. Fourteenth Challenge Exercise: Undo (11:58)
  67. Inexpensive DIY Augmented/Virtual Reality Glasses (35:44)
  68. TinyScreen+ (21:12)
  69. Desktop Capture (1:27:38)
  70. Inexpensive DIY Augmented/Virtual Reality Wireless Glasses (32:12)
  71. Wireless Desktop Capture (1:01:34)
  72. Fixing the Websoccket (6:41)
  73. Head Tracking (17:24)
  74. Quaternions (1:43:13)
  75. M5StickC Plus (1:00:30)
  76. Virtual Desktop (1:09:52)
  77. Fusing Molecular Models with Head Tracking (1:15:35)
  78. Lighter More Compact Monocle (23:32)
  79. Web Browser Based Monocle (21:31)
  80. Web Browser Based Monocle Html and JavaScript Code (42:25)
  81. Cardboard (19:21)
  82. No Cardboard (21:43)
  83. Linux Handheld Phone Controller (28:45)

Upcoming subjects:  Non-Bonding Electrons, Adding Hydrogens Automatically, Keyboard Shortcuts, etc.





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